By Doug INK
I missed the beginning of the show. I just check in with the computer at work. I find myself doing that more often now that this whole blog thing is rolling. So I am writing this from a somewhat uninformed position. Typically, I record the show and listen to it later. After reading early blogs and psychologically abusing myself for about a half hour, ( a big Lou HMMMMM here). I decided to try to blog.
First, of I realize now that the spell checker does not spell check the title. That said, however, I do want to say for the record that I do write this with paranoia. I realize I am not the best typist. I try to proof read everything. But when it is your material, you have a tendency to know what you want to write, so mentally you fill in the words. Often as I reread it hours later and see the mistakes I made. I groan in agony .
I also found it ironic that of all the contributors to this blog I am the least critical. Yet, I am jumped on first. Perhaps, with out that chick that use to try to produce TCG, Lino has to find some else berate.
On the positive side it seems that this is the most air time that our little blog spot has had yet. It is often said " there is no such thing as bad press." I have a feeling that this flub up will get more people checking out the website.
TIME WARP!!!!!!!
Okay, flash a head 5 hrs later. I had to quit blogging because I wanted to eat supper with my family. Listened to the first part of the show during dishes. Orientated self to jokes. Did the ol' family time. Said prayers with family. Obsessively, listened to Lino to find a grammatical error in order to rub his face in it. Actually, I would never push that hard or have the energy to grind his nose down in order to get to his face. Finally, found it, in a half Blue Moon induced stooper. By the way, don't check your calender, Blue Moon is a beer. It happened during the 9th question of the Inquisition. Hulk Holy vs Lou. The Hulkster was phenomenal!!!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE CALL IN AGAIN HULKSTER!!!!!!! You had me laughing until I had tears in my eyes.Kindly, listen to the below message before continuing:
What did Lino say? "She showed up month after month ,May 13".
WHAT!!!!! Is this the miracle? Every month was May? I am so confused? This isn't a spelling error this is syntax. What the heck does Lino mean? What is the miracle of fatima? Mary? the erratic sun?, or the month of May being set to repeat? Gee Whiz Lino! ( not the actuall sentiment I am feeling after obessessing over one little mistake for several hours. ) Figure this one out Lino, ///// Yeah, read between the lines. Go ahead!!!I've just lost about 2 hours of sleep, although the Blue Moons have helped numb the pschological pain, they did not help in the typing realm.
I've also figured out why Brett kept finding Lino's name while googling monkey. Again, another Lou, HMMMMM!!!! It is because dustin keeps referring to Broken Monkey in his blogs .They are getting tagged with it. Currently, I am trying to think of words to tag every blog with that will totally frustrate Lino. Although the words blue monkey seem ambiguous enough. I am sure if read during theWheel of News it would get a inappropriate chuckle out of Lou.
There's also a line in Lino's bio that mentions monkeys.
But Doug, and this goes to everyone, BluMunkee is an evil, evil being that should not even be dignified by mentioning its name, although the hold it has over my life makes ignoring it impossible.
Good job on the show wrap-up. I can take a night off from writing about it in depth.
thanks, dustin, although I noticed that my blog on linofans have been over lapped. I'm not sure if this is a sign but it looks like the Pope is rising out of a beer bottle.
I actually know Holy Hulk. Didn't know who he was when he was calling into the show - but later he emailed me and he was a parishioner of mine at a previous assignment.
He's a great guy and I loved how awkward he made Lou and Lino sound...