Fun with madlibs starring Lino!

Fill in the forms, and a story about Lino with your choices will appear! I can't figure out why the html code drops the coding all the way to the bottom of the post, but ignore the white space and my internet-ignorance and scroll down for the fun!

Create a story for "Lino on the radio"
physical feature
Adverb that ends with ily

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3 Responses to Fun with madlibs starring Lino!

  1. Lino had a funny radio show called The Catholic Guy. It was a scary program starring Lino, a dumb technical director named Lou, a pizza named Ryan, a phone answerer named Christine, whose nose drew the stares of many sexy boys, and an intern named Emily, who looked a lot like Lou. One day, Lino said "Holy Moses!, my putrid show is the best ever! But Ryan is kicking into the ground!" So they played rock paper scissors, and Ryan was deemed to be a terrible Maureen. So Lino kissed Ryan and bent him into the trash. "I\'m a good producer!! Now that's a real segment!" Lino cried. And they all lived hungrily ever after. The End.

  2. Lino had a hairy radio show called The Catholic Guy. It was a yellow program starring Lino, a sparkly technical director named Lou, a glue named Ryan, a phone answerer named Christine, whose eyes drew the stares of many round boys, and an intern named Emily, who looked a lot like Lazy Leen. One day, Lino said "Oh My Gosh, my crunchy show is the best ever! But Ryan is slidinging into the ground!" So they played rock paper scissors, and Ryan was deemed to be a terrible hair dryer. So Lino jumpinged Ryan and eating him into the trash. "vroom vroom! Now that's a real segment!" Lino cried. And they all lived angrily ever after. The End.

  3. Glad you guys enjoyed them. The translation and grammar in the story wasn't the best, but it works.