Choosing Lino Rulli or a vocation

Dan @ The Brothers of The Beloved Disciple

I'm all backed up.

One of the rules of my religious community is that we have to watch TV and listen to the radio with "discretion." Besides the obvious fact that we shouldn't be watching any movie that you'd have to go into the special section in the back of the store to rent (any movie with 24 sequels can't be good), it also means that we need to keep our media intake to a minimum and not go overboard.

So three hours a day, five days a week of The Catholic Guy Show is out of the question.

Luckily, I have a Stiletto, so I can record Lino's show and listen to it any time. I still want to listen to every minute of The Catholic Guy show, which means that I'll be perpetually (ahem!) backed up for a long time. At least I won't be one of those people who yells at Lino for going on vacation because I won't know until like a month later.

Right now, I've just started Friday's show. Not too bad, considering that I'm still catching up on season one of Lost.

I get my Lino fix now only in the car ride to and from school and while I'm walking between classes.

I would propose that my nickname be changed to "Backed up Dan" but, considering I'm pursuing a vocation toward the priesthood or consecrated religious life, the jokes there are too easy.

So don't be surprised if I post here laughing about something that happened days or weeks ago. I'm willing to do anything I can to keep up the perception that the Catholic Church is out of touch and behind the times.

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2 Responses to Choosing Lino Rulli or a vocation

  1. Hey Dan - I might get attacked for this, but just like Mary and Martha - "you have picked the better part." Prayer - studying - community life are a bit more important than 15 hours of listening to the radio - as much as we love the show.

    And it's good that you have Lino to catch up on in your free time.

    Keep up the good work! We're praying for you buddy

    Fr Jim

  2. Jim in ND says:

    Dan, I hear you brother!!! My week just got crazy last week. I had good intentions to listen to Lino and do some blogging. Never happened. After working long hours during the day, I felt I needed to spend some time with my family. It seems like I constantly fight the battle what I want to do and what I ought to do.