Prayer desired

I realize that this blog is mainly meant for fun, laughter, and so forth. But being here in Arkansas, we keep getting hit time and time again by tornadoes. Just last night, Stuttgart, AR was racked with winds. Nobody was killed this time, but people's homes were decimated.

It's nothing new: 13 were killed by twisters on Feb. 5, and flooding has killed five people. In fact, Friday night, seven people were killed by these storms.

I know my lowly state of Arkansas isn't the only state getting hit by this: all across the south, people have died or lost homes because of these storms: heck, we even have a crisis in Myanmar that has killed thousands.

Even so, that should remind everyone, myself included, that prayers are needed daily for all sorts of people who are affected by tragedy each day. Especially my fellow Arkansans.

Next time, I'll try to be a little more uplifting. But thank you for your prayers

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1 Response to Prayer desired

  1. Jim in ND says:

    Friendships are more than laughing together especially Christian ones. My family will remember to pray for your needs.