Welcome Back Lou!!!

By Doug INK
After a Tuesday containing several technical errors during Lou's absence, our beloved Technical Director was manning the board once again. Lou was on top of his game, the one day off with food poisoning did not throw him off. And I'm not talking the technical stuff. He was a crisp, cool, Catholic Guy commentator. Two of the best lines of the day came out of Lou. Early in the show, Lino was giving Father Jim grief, (who was making a guest appearance on the show), about being his monthly visitor. Lou quipped in "At least he's not late". Like a skilled sniper, Lou takes a brilliant shot. So sharp yet subtly that Lino initially missed it. Then later in the show Fat Jack calls in and delusionally complains that Christine is flirting with him when he calls in. Lino tells Fat Jack that she is paid to be nice to him , Lou shoot off, "Just like those other girls". ZING.

But by far the best few minutes of yesterday's show came during "What's Lino Whistling". A guy, Tom calls in and wins, correctly identifying "The Candy Man". Before saying goodbye, he drops a little helpful hint to Lino. A push up routine. Lino starts rejecting the idea, Lou immediately starts playing clips of Lino's infamous push up attempts and next thing you know poor Tom is arguing with the sound clips. Hilarious. Funnier every time. Keep in mind as you listen to the clips, I have posted them below, that Lino is not talking for most of the discussion Tom is having. Just Lou deftly playing sound clips. I'm telling you Lou was on.
Please, excuse the audio quality. Whatever Gremlin affected Tuesday's show was working aggressively to get me to go to confession soon.

I will close shamelessly plugging InLouOfAFanClub. A club devoted to Lou. (Moderated by me). To join click on the link on the right side of this page. Give Lou a little support.

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