An inappropriate birthday message to Tom Falcone

**WARNING: Please do not watch this video you're offended by a certain popular hand gesture.**

I was too lazy to record a new video, so I just used last year's. Just pretend I said that Tom is 36 now instead of 35.

By the way, it seems that I was off on my prediction that, by now, Tom would be on his way to RCIA. It's never too late though, eh?

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4 Responses to An inappropriate birthday message to Tom Falcone

  1. Jim in ND says:

    Dan, my initial thought was when I saw the froze video was "man, his new place looks alot like his old place". Thought maybe you dubed us on the move or already paccked it in ;-) Good thing you admitted to being a lazy blogger.

  2. Some unsolicited advice. In the future, don't use the same visuals when giving a sermon.

  3. Dan S. says:

    Hahaha... I love CGS fans. Both your responses made me laugh out loud.

  4. First off I want to send out birthday greetings to Tom Falcone. I still miss him even if Lino doesn't.

    Lino in answering a question about going to a priest for marrage advise for got one important advantage to speaking to a priest even though he isn't married. That would be COMMITMENT. This of course is something Lino knows very little about. Just listen to his life in general. Even now he finds it hard to commit to his fans another year of Catholic Pleasure.
    So yes talking to a priest for an objective view of married life isn't a bad idea especially if you want to know about commitment.