Is this Blog Lino's pixie dust?

Near the end of the show Monday, Lino called the contributors to this blog out. Saying we hadn't updated it recently. (Lou further demoralized us when forced to speak the last minute of the show. When attempting to plug this site, Lou admitted he didn't even know the name of it. Man talk about leaving your work at the office. Hint to Lino, put it in this weeks Inquizzition. Lou must suffer the consequences. Bashing him on here won't work because obviously he doesn't read this).
Honestly, this blog is one of the struggles in my life. Something I continually need to balance with my other obligations in life. I would love everyday to stop working at 3 pm CST, mix me a cocktail, listen to TCGS and blog. But I can't. Instead I catch most of the show recorded. Listening after after the rest of the family is sleeping. I live a Catch 22 scenario with this blog and the show. There are things that I think of to blog about while listening but I can't write and listen. But if I stop to write that means I won't get as much time to listen. What to do? What to do?
Sometimes, I think I'll be able to crank out a blog in the morning but it usually ends up being a exercise in frustration. For instance, my wife wanted to go grocery shopping this morning. No problem Hon, I'll watch the kids. I say as I slyly think I will write a blog. My attempt to fall short as I am continually interrupted. I end up getting more and more frustrated. I think Come on Kids Lino said we need to blog more!!!! . Kids don't care. Dad gives up.

Ironically, I was going to blog on Lino's date with himself. For those of you who missed Mondays show, Lino told of how well he treated himself on Saturday. He kept referring to himself as another separate identity on his date. Lou was as witty as ever. (Damn me, for complimenting Lou). It was just a very funny and well conceived bit. I was going to draw a comparison between Lino's life and mine. Oh, to spend a day with myself, doing whatever I wanted. Jealousy. And speaking of jealous, a French vacation and another one in a few weeks. It kills me sometimes. Why can't I do it? Because I just dropped a grand at the dentist for our families regular visit. And that's no cavities. Just xrays and cleaning. I wouldn't want to a different life........but one day, just one day, that would be awesome.
I going to end this blog the way Lino ended the show. By calling out the viewers of this blog. This is intended to be a Linofans site. I know we do the blogging but feel free to give us some advice or ideas. Our emails are located on the main page within our profiles. I know I did the math last week. (I found alot of things to do while sitting in a hospital room with my son for 3 days last week. BTW, thanks to all who prayed everything turned out the better side of what could be expected). But back to the math. At that time some 12,000 visitors had hit this site. There was like 200 post and 430 comments. That is on average 30 views per blog but only 2 comments. If you consider that fact that Fr. Jim, dustin, Dan or I comment on people (Don Imus) need to pick it up a bit. (Notice how I deftly transferred the blame).

But don't comment for our sake do it for Lino. He does read this. He feeds off it. It is another way for him to get the feel of the fan. (Hmmmmm). He occasionally, uses it for material on the show. The best analogy I can give is this. Lino is like Tinkerbell. Remember at the end of Peter Pan. Everyone had to say they do believe in fairies. That's Lino. .

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1 Response to Is this Blog Lino's pixie dust?

  1. Yo, stat man chill lax. I promise to give my two cents more often