Taking over Seize the Day

During the Thursday broadcast of last weeks show, Lino requested we listeners call in a prank Gus Lode this week. Even offering up a popener to the best prank. Of course as loyal Lino minions we do feel compelled to follow his instructions. But is that really the Catholic Way? To blatantly take over? No. Of course not we are more subtle. We control through secret societies, wielding our power behind the scenes, performing rituals and rites that only we know about. (For those of you out of the know, may I recommend Dan Brown's The Davinci Code). With this conspiracy in mind, I present a link to a site that you can search names of towns. There are a few Gus's, some Loyd's , and such. As we call in let's actually use a name of an existing town. Help Gus along with whatever dog and pony topic he is on. Of course, in the style of dustin, don't forget to shout "Viva La Lino" before you hang up :-D

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2 Responses to Taking over Seize the Day

  1. Thought about calling in - imagining getting thru "Fr Jim from New Jersey" and then I just start yelling Lino Rulli, Lino Rulli (ala Babba Booey). Could imagine it being a great attack and probably the end of my association with the Catholic Channel

  2. Jim in ND says:

    I've thought about doing something wild like that. But Gus is just to good of a man. I can't see desicrating his show for a popener.