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Catch the show on The Catholic Channel, Sirius XM 129, Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. ET, with replays at 10 p.m. ET.
Find our writers
dustin Faber - dustinfaber.com, thecatholiclovebirds.com
Allicia Faber - thecatholiclovebirds.com, twitter.com/alliwait
LaJuan Tallo - woundedfaithful.blogspot.com, twitter.com/lktallo
Elaine Payne - facebook.com/elaine.payne, Elaine's Google+
Krista D'Amore - twitter.com/kcdamore
Jamie McAdams - Romancatholiccop.com, twitter.com/JamieMc4525
Jim Bitz (Doug in Kansas) - Napoleon Livestock, Jim's Facebook
Fr. Jim Chern - msunewman.com, chernjam.blogspot.com
Allicia Faber - thecatholiclovebirds.com, twitter.com/alliwait
LaJuan Tallo - woundedfaithful.blogspot.com, twitter.com/lktallo
Elaine Payne - facebook.com/elaine.payne, Elaine's Google+
Krista D'Amore - twitter.com/kcdamore
Jamie McAdams - Romancatholiccop.com, twitter.com/JamieMc4525
Jim Bitz (Doug in Kansas) - Napoleon Livestock, Jim's Facebook
Fr. Jim Chern - msunewman.com, chernjam.blogspot.com
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Photo by Paul Grant
Just what is the point of those commercials? Trying to recruit the pre-K contingent?
I can't figure out why the guy gets so mad at Elmo. I can't hear what he is saying wrong. I've listen to it several times. I can't hone in on the mistake. Poor Elmo.
You have to give the Channel Credit though. That's a pretty good get. Not many big time celebrities want to step out and promote their Catholic faith. I doubt if we'll ever get Elmo on Hymn, him or her though. Mostly because the voice is way to distictive, but also am not sure which catagory eunuch fits under.
I agree w/ doug. Elmo never makes a mistake. In fact, the first two takes sound basically the same. Makes no sense whatsoever. Plus, Elmo's voice drives me crazy. I have to turn off the radio when that comes on.
While we are on the subject, I also hate that commercial w/ the fake British accent...can't remember what its for at the moment. Catholic history, or scripture or something.
Yeah, and that commercial with the German accent telling us how much he appreciates the listeners of Sirius Radio, what a hack!*
*Satire everyone. I love our holy Father.
I miss the "Real Men of Catholicism" ads with Tom and Adam. Those were awesome. I didn't know they were a take off on other ads for what, Budweiser? until I heard a real one at work on day. I got all excited, thinking it was an ad for the Catholic Channel until I realized what it was.
Over all, I think the Elmo add is a failure. You're not supposed to have to think so hard about an ad.