A Catholic Guy Moment

We toook the little ones to see a performance of The Nutcracker. Mrs. Marty The Cop, always has the camera ready so, she took this picture of me, near the Letterman studio and Angelo's pizza. A very Catholic Guy moment. I have been married long enough to know, not to walk away, just take the picture and move on to the next picture.

It did not save me from all trouble, of course. Mrs. Marty the Cop made us walk to St. Patricks Cathderal, because it's Advent/Christmas. You could not fit another person inside this beautiful place. As my bride pointed out the various saints to the kids, I kept mumbling that they will be here all year, and that we live in New York City. I guess not married long enough to know better.

The day in NYC was very nice for the children and us. The Nutcracker was done well and 5th Avenue during Christmas, is something to see.

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1 Response to A Catholic Guy Moment

  1. Hey Marty... I can see how excited you were with all the sights and sounds just by looking at that picture!

    It's understandable though. The city is really crazy busy this time of year