Wanna be Friends?

Want to be Lino's Friend? You are too late!

Lino has been at 5000 friends on facebook for a while. He just can't fit anymore!
He has now given the official okay recommending the Lino Rulli Fan Page on Facebook-Come Join the fun. 

We keep you updated on the Catholic Guy Show, the Lino, and lots of cool fun stuff! 

Some important things to consider:
-the linofans (www.facebook.com/linofans) page is completely separate from Lino's facebook page (which has no room for more friends since hitting 5000). 

-Lino IS an administrator on that page (that means Lino can read those comments, reply, and update etc as he sees fit)

-If you are currently a "friend" on www.facebook.com/linorulli you will not be automatically removed as a friend simply by BECOMING A FAN at www.facebook.com/linofans - it doesn't take away the "friendship" with the Lino Rulli page... unless of course you or lino decide to remove the friendship to allow for more friends.  

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