Lino told a girl on a date the other night that he loved her.

Lino wouldn't elaborate, but more on this as the story develops.

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5 Responses to BREAKING NEWS

  1. What?!?!? I guess it's not the Jordanian girl who lives in a cave...

  2. well...???? what's the dish on the luv declaration?

  3. It was an old girlfriend. He told her he loved her. She said she loved him. They both laughed. Supposedly, it means nothing as far as the future. Lino is still Lino.

  4. Kate says:

    For Lino to say those words, it must mean something, whether he wants to admit it or not. He probably doesn't even want to admit it to himself. But he's not the kind of guy to just say that -- he's exactly the opposite type of guy!