Reporting from Italy - Part One

Here are some reports we've gotten from fans hanging out with Lino on the Italy pilgrimage trip. Apparently the trip is going really well! Here is part one of the on-site reporting, courtesy of Phyllis. Tomorrow, we'll have Kevin's report on the first two days of the Italy trip.

Ciao! Or something like that.

Day One, from Phyllis:

We all arrived safely in Rome. First impressions: Lino looks much younger than 38 in person. Maureen is a lot of fun even when not drinking. Lou has the prettiest eye lashes that are totally wasted on a guy. Fr. Rob is much thinner than Lino would have you believe and has not been wearing his priest garb.

Today we toured the Scavi where St. Peter is buried as well as Pope JP II. It was extremely hot and humid and our jet-lagged party was dragging a little but we did have enough energy to do some shopping. I believe a few Popeners were purchased.

We are now waiting to go to dinner so we can get back and crash for the night. Ciao!

Day Two, also from Phyllis:

Okay! It's hotter than you know where but we are having a terrific time.
Today we started out to Castle Gandolfo, the Pope's summer place, and we got to see the Pope live and in person! It was incredible! We were so close to the balcony where he appeared! Much closer than if we had gone to St. Peter's Square!

Pope Benedict looked well rested and cheerful. He acknowledged various nationalities in his address and each group sang when he did so except for us Americans. We had Lino whistle instead! No, we didn't really. We didn't want to get thrown out. That was a truly special opportunity and we were very blessed (literally and figuratively.)

Next we went to the Catacombs for a tour. Those were amazing and you'll hear all about how Fr. Rob got yelled at on up-coming TCGS's. I wouldn't want to spoil it here.

Later, Fr. Rob redeemed himself by saying Mass for us at St. Paul's Outside the Walls. This was one incedible day!

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4 Responses to Reporting from Italy - Part One

  1. The Lou eyelash thing is SOOO true, hahahaha.

  2. Agreed. Lou has amazing eyelashes. I am so jealous that I am not in Italy but so not willing to give up the air conditioner!

  3. Nope. FJ had college work to do instead.